Mortgage cost claim. CJEU Judgment April 25 2024.

You can now claim back costs associated with your Spanish mortgage, regardless of when you applied for it

A decision (on 25 April 2024) by the Court of Justice of the EU paves the way for anyone with a Spanish mortgage to reclaim certain costs associated with the preparation of the mortgage, irrespective of when the mortgage was taken out.

Sun Lawyers is assisting those with a valid claim to get back the money that is due to them. This includes:

  • 50% of the notary fees related to the preparation of the mortgage and associated paperwork.
  • 100% of the costs relating to the property appraisal, management and land registry.
Buying a Spanish Property

If you have a Spanish mortgage on a property, you might be entitled to money back. Sun Lawyers can help you.

We can help you to get back the money you are due

To see if you might be eligible, complete the form below and we will be in touch.

    e.g. +44 5555 123456

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